Research Centers and Units
Students studying civil or environmental engineering have access to numerous research resources and facilities on campus.
H2E Center
The H2E Center is the focal point for multi-investigator activities at Penn State. H2E Center researchers facilitate the development of all types of hydrogen-based (production and consumption) technologies, help to promote the use of hydrogen for sustainable energy production, work on and develop hydrogen production and fuel cell systems for conversion of biomass sources to energy, create, advance, and refine hydrogen storage technologies.
Penn State Institutes of Energy & the Environment
The mission of the Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment (PSIEE) is to foster and facilitate interdisciplinary scholarship and collaboration to positively impact important energy and environmental challenges. Organized under the Office of the Vice President for Research, they bring together more than 500 extraordinary faculty, staff, and students to advance the energy and environmental research missions of the University.
Pennsylvania Housing Research Center
The Pennsylvania Housing Research Center (PHRC) serves the home building industry and the residents of Pennsylvania by improving the quality and affordability of housing. PHRC faculty and staff conduct applied research, foster the development and commercialization of innovative technologies, and transfer appropriate technologies to the housing community.
Thomas D. Larson Pennsylvania Transportation Institute
The Thomas D. Larson Pennsylvania Transportation Institute (LTI) is Penn State’s transportation research center. The Institute provides several unique field facilities and experimental laboratories for conducting transportation research and its energies are directed toward solving problems in five major areas of transportation-related research: construction engineering and management, pavements and materials, transportation operations, transportation structures, and vehicle systems and safety.
Other centers and institutes include:
Applied Research Laboratory
The Applied Research Laboratory (ARL) provides a focal point for the development and transfer of new technologies, processes and equipment in a cooperative environment with industry, academia, and other Navy acquisition and in-service uses. ARL Penn State, a United States Navy University Affiliated Research Center as designated by the Department of Defense, maintains a long-term strategic relationship with the Naval Sea Systems Command and the Office of Naval Research.
Materials Research Institute
Penn State's Materials Research Institute (MRI) is a catalyst for multidisciplinary education and innovations in materials. With MRI's capabilities in electronic materials and devices, functional polymers and nanoscience, Penn State is uniquely positioned to apply materials research to critical challenges of the future in healthcare. MRI's vision is to apply both the depth and breadth of collective expertise to engage in research without boundaries, and thereby create a new generation of highly qualified graduates who can both communicate and innovate in a converging technological world.