Undergraduate Advising
There are two levels of undergraduate advising for Penn State engineering students. The Engineering Advising Center (EAC) primarily serves as the academic advising resource for students who are in pre-major status (ENGR_PMAJ) at Penn State University Park.
Once undergraduate students are admitted to the civil engineering (CE) major and have a CE classification, they will be assigned two advisers: a CE academic adviser and a CE faculty adviser.
In this shared advising model, the CE academic adviser provides support to students in various areas including academic planning, achieving timely completion for graduation, academic recovery planning, understanding the benefits of educational opportunities, campus and community referrals, and improving academic skills like time management, goal-setting, and test-taking.
The assigned CE faculty adviser will assist students with addressing general questions related to civil engineering, provide information and guidance on technical course planning, career planning and internships, research opportunities, and graduate school considerations, and help students understand program expectations and standards of achievement.
All CE students are encouraged to meet with their academic adviser and/or faculty adviser every semester before registration begins. Appointments with your academic adviser can be scheduled through Starfish. Faculty advisers are generally available on a walk-in basis during posted office hours or by scheduling an appointment via email. Students having difficulty getting in touch with their adviser(s) can contact the undergraduate programs assistant.
Undergraduate Director
Tom Skibinski
208L ECoRE Building
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814) 863-0026
Undergraduate Programs Assistant
Brenton Hockenberry
208A ECoRE Building
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814) 867-0470
Graduate Advising
Graduate students who have been admitted into the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering graduate program will be assigned a graduate adviser. For general advising questions, the graduate academic office is located in 208B ECoRE Building.
Graduate Adviser
John Regan
277 ECoRE Building
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814) 865-9436
Graduate Programs Assistant
Ashton Romine
208B ECoRE Building
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814) 863-3085